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Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

March 31, 2022 5:10 pm

Did you know that people of all ages can struggle with dental fear and anxiety? If you’re one of these patients, it is still possible for you to get the dental care you need. Many dental offices offer sedation dentistry to help you feel at ease during your dental appointments, and even completely relaxed during more complex treatments. You can feel confident that dental sedation is safe when administered by a specially trained healthcare professional.

Sedation dentistry involves the careful administration of special medications to help patients feel more relaxed and comfortable at the dentist. Before administering sedation, dentists go through an extensive health check and questionnaire to see if patients are a good fit for sedation. When patients are given sedation, dentists carefully monitor and watch over them to ensure they remain comfortable and safe.

Types of Dental Sedation

There are three main types of sedation dentistry: nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and IV sedation:

  1. Nitrous Oxide – A mild sedative inhaled via a nose mask. It has no lingering side effects and is suitable for nearly any patient, including children and those with special needs.
  2. Oral Conscious Sedation – A stronger sedative taken orally through a prescribed pill. It puts patients into a deeper state of relaxation while still allowing them to remain conscious and able to communicate. The patient must have a trusted individual drive them to and from their appointment because the medication can make them drowsy and cloud their judgment.
  3. IV Sedation – Administered intravenously for more complex dental treatments. It causes patients to fall asleep. They will wake up and not remember much about their appointment. With IV sedation, patients’ vitals are closely monitored to ensure their safety. Patients must have someone drive them home after their appointment and take the day to rest since they may feel groggy and disoriented.

Safe, Reliable Sedation Dentistry in Canton, GA

Looking for a trustworthy dentist who offers dental sedation in Canton? At Riverstone Dental Care, we can help you have a positive dental experience that is as comfortable and stress-free as possible. If you think you’d benefit from sedation dentistry during your next visit, please let us know.

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